Central headquarters
Cuvée’s reputation has been built on providing excellent customer service, having operations in more than 30 countries under the following
three principles
Cuvée experience in figures:
Define and secure the profile of your wine to get the consequent profile of your grape

Physiological study of the vine:
- Water needs according to the desired aroma profile of the wine
- Control of molecules that provide the determined aroma profile

Soil working planning through analyzing needs of the plot for better sustainability:
- Soil analysis
- Microbiological imprint
- Appropriate nutrition for vines
- Zero residues principles
- Yield per Ha control

Stage of ripeness for determining the optimal harvest strategy:
- Plot analysis and grouping together by similar characteristics
- Sugar content control
- Color control

Aromatic strength and quality:
- Terroir profile and grape adaptation.
- Optimal timing for harvesting
- Appropriate elaboration techniques

Color control techniques for the wine:
- Optimal ripeness stage for harvesting
- Extraction of pigments during ripeness

Fermentation control and optimization:
- Yeast for each wine profile
- Oxigen and temperature control
- Control of microbiological changes

Determine adequate techniques for the desired wine profile

- Determination of the aging style
- Barrel cellar control
- Aging process starting time: the best for the palate and color of your wine profile
- Clay jar or amphora aging: oxygenation and concentration control

Get the expert edge. Cuvée works to facilitate the best option for your needs.
The knowledgeable expert staff excel in wine and international markets with its distribution platform together with professionally calculated marketing strategies such as geo-marketing, maxi-marketing, geo-coding, just to name a few.
Since Cuvée company has direct responsibility with supply customers, we require that only approved and supervised wines examined under the quality and sustainable principles of the company can be part of it.

Contact Information
Participación en las siguientes ferias cofinanciado con Unión Europea a través de los Fondos FEDER:
Prowein Düsseldorf, 2024
Wine Paris and Vinexpo Paris, 2024
Barcelona Wine Week, 2024
Misión comercial a EE. UU. en enero de 2024,
con una estancia de una semana visitando Dallas, Austin y Denver

+34 983 84 09 25
C/ Arzobispo José Delicado, Nº2
47014, Valladolid, Castilla y León, Spain
Office Hours
Mon – Fri 08:00 AM – 06:30 PM
Participación en las siguientes ferias cofinanciado con Unión Europea a través de los Fondos FEDER:
Prowein Düsseldorf, 2024
Wine Paris and Vinexpo Paris, 2024
Barcelona Wine Week, 2024
Misión comercial a EE. UU. en enero de 2024,
con una estancia de una semana visitando Dallas, Austin y Denver

+34 983 84 09 25
C/ Arzobispo José Delicado, Nº2
47014, Valladolid, Castilla y León, Spain
Office Hours
Mon – Fri 08:00 AM – 06:30 PM EST